I know this might come off a little late but it's already 2014. I'm turning 18 this year. Time is moving too fast that I can't even catch up. Results are coming out in less than 10 days. I wonder how I will fare.
Come to think of it, I've never had a new year resolution. Cause I can't seem to find anything to do about myself. I'm just the plain old me. So for now, I shall set a new year resolution for myself. Insya-Allah all will be achieved.
Resolutions for 2014: 1) Be happy and thankful for what I have.
2) Don't expect too much from anyone especially
yourself. (You'll just end up disappointed)
3) Make the best out of everything.
4) Face reality. (Cause life isn't a fairytale and things
won't go your way)
5) Get my driver's license.
Like I've said. Boring me, boring resolutions. It's 3.30am right now and I'm watching "The Heirs". I should stop watching KDramas. Cause I know the love line in these dramas won't happen to me and I'm just wasting my expectations away. Ha ha.