Wow oh wow. Once again, it's been a month since I last updated. Nothing much happened really. Got accepted into Digital Animation in SP. Few weeks later, I got accepted into NAFA; Diploma in Fine Arts. But, I decided to reject it since it was not the course that I wanted. So yeah, looks like I'm heading to SP.
Kept myself occupied by painting on walls for a Harry Potter exhibition. But everything's over now, alhamdulillah. It was so tiring, really. Had a hard time keeping myself awake and when I was asleep, I had a hard time waking up. My mind was blank, I swear. Oh well, what's past is in the past.
Aaaaaand kept myself occupied with Kdrama(s). Emergency couple and Running Man. Watched "You who came from the Stars" but stopped half way cause it has something to do with aliens and things. I don't know. Not my kind of drama when it comes to fictional or too-much-visual-effects kind of dramas. Emergency Couple is really daebak. Speaking of Kdramas, I should really cut down on watching them. Why? Cause I'm only given false hopes about what love looks and feels like. Kdramas is like a modern fairytale, you know? Where the characters likes someone and poof, they end up being together in the end without much problems. Sure, there'll be ups and downs but the way the guy treats the girl, like whoa, it's so different from real life.
Try finding a guy who would go miles for you. To make sure you're okay. Despite of having fights, he would still care for you. Try to find a guy who looks at the girl he likes/loves like this when he's talking to her or vice versa:
(Million of apologies cause I love "The Heirs" too much.)
It would be a miracle, I tell you. To have someone do the littlest yet sweetest things for you. Now, that's why I said that KDramas are modern fairy tales. That's why I dare to say that these things don't exist in real life (well, to me, of course).
Oh wells, but whatever it is, I'll still keep on dreaming. KDrama is like my little fantasy world where I'm able to imagine that I'm in that situation... but end up getting depressed cause I know it'll never happen. Oh wells. Loving my fantasy world and it will never change. At least this is one of the things that makes me happy. :)
It's almost 3am now. A wee bit of Running Man and then I'll sleep.
안녕. 잘자요.