Short ugly doodle done by me.
So, you'll most probably know what the picture is about. Use your SBQ skills to infer. So, the only reason for me to create this blog was to rant about my life. I still wonder why I drew myself in my school uniform... that's so weird. Okay, moving on. Today's topic would be about being last in everything.
So I had a conversation with Syarif and he said something which states the truth about myself.
Syarif: Ya, I nobody what.
Me: If you're nobody, then what am I?
Syarif: You're (nobody) square.
So it actually meant [nobody x nobody]. Ouch, but I have to say it's true. I'm never anyone's option. Even if I were to be someone's option, I would definitely be last. I'm also THAT friend, THAT person who's always last in getting picked. Since my first day in nursery school till now. Even my nursery school teacher hated me. For what? That still remained as a mystery to me. School, family, I'm always last. Throughout my whole life, I'm either being left out or last. Okay, not really left out but you get the picture. It's kinda hard, yknow. I'm not sure if the problems lies within me or people just have better options than me. I mean, look at me. I'm not that great or good. There's surely someone better than me. That's why I'm always placed last. I think if I were to be stuck in burning building, I would most probably be saved last. I'm the least popular, I'm the least well-known. Actually, I don't care a single bit about popularity but I would sure like to be known for my kindness or friendly gestures done towards other. But I doubt so. Must be due to my annoying face.
You're lovely, dear. Don't be so hard on yourself. There will come a day when someone appreciates you for who you are, and they'll love every of your quirks. Stay true to yourself, for that someone will come soon. Very soon. You may not be the first in everything, but God sees those whose hearts are with him, and dear, that is enough. Trust me. Hugs. <3